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ConsComm Minutes 02/18/04
Date:           February 18, 2004       
Time:           4:00 PM
Location:       Wellfleet Senior Center

Commissioners Present:  Cyndi Moe, Co-Chair; Ed Reynolds, Co-Chair; Dorothy Dolan, Paul Banner; Virginia Page; Abby Franklin; John Diblasio

Staff Present:  Emily Beebe, Conservation Agent; Christine Bates, Committee Secretary

Meeting called to order at 4:00 P.M. by Chair Ed Reynolds.

Business Meeting:

·       Andrew Koch, Shellfish Constable, reported he will be posting and mailing a flyer to the shellfishermen at the Egg Island area for clean up between March 10 and March 12.   Dottie Dolan Moved to allow shellfisherman vehicular access to remove equipment between March 10 and March 12; Seconded by Cyndi Moe, Passed 7-0.

·       The Commission discussed a memo from Rex Peterson dated January 20, 2004 regarding the sand pit.  Attached was a memo from the Coastal  Pond Access Committee, a memo from L. Rowell, and a memo from the Planning Board.  This issue will be discussed further at the next meeting.

Emily handed out copies of the memo from Rex Peterson dated February 6, 2004 on Revisions to the Flood Hazard District Regulations. He requested the Commission make comments regarding the proposed changes.  The Commissioners agreed to meet on February 24 to work on developing suggestions for the Planning Board.  

Public Hearings:

5:00    Town of Wellfleet Harbor Master – rescheduled to end of meeting (Harbor Master not at meeting as of 5:10 pm).

5:10    Steven Realty Trust, 308 King Phillip Road, Assessor’s Map 34, Parcel 4, NOI:  Pruning  plan and construction of stone steps in existing revetment (Continued from January 7).                          A       narrative site sketch was handed out describing plants and proposed maintenance plan.   Natural Heritage states no adverse affects, DEP assigned number SE                      77-1013.  Minutes from  the January 7, 2004 meeting were read regarding this application.   Cyndi Moe Moved  to  accept the 11/12/03 Site Plans and approve this project with              conditions; Seconded by Abby Franklin, Passed 7-0.  A. Franklin Supervisor. Copies of OAC       to be supplied to M. Burgess  and F. Corbin.    

5:15    McAuliffe, 40 Way #35 off Briar Lane, Assessor’s Map 13, Parcel 122, NOI:  Addition to  existing dwelling in buffer zone to BVW.  Site visit was made and it was noted the                      project  was not staked.  The proposal is to construct an addition to the house away from the   wetlands.  Decking is already in place, but will be modified.  Under the current                        deck is a  patio the width of existing house.  The plan would add a sunroom where the patio is located.   The septic system was upgraded in 1997.  The Commissioners requested                 the following  information be brought forward for their review:  
·       Narrative about work being done in 50 foot buffer zone, with an alternatives analysis clarifying why work is proposed in that area.
·       Quantify amount of disturbance
·       Stake out project area
Cyndi Moe Moved to continue to March 3, Seconded by Dottie Dolan, Passed 7-0.

5:25    Long, 57 Wigwam Avenue, Assessor’s Map 35, Parcel 158, AOOC to SE77-1006, revised  plans:  Narrative provided to Commissioners, stating they want to add 2 ½ feet to                    the     foundation and fill in beneath the small street side corner porch.  This would allow the        desired floor plan.  The original permit was issued on 10/16/03.  Abby Franklin                         Moved to  accept site plan dated 12/18/03 and narrative dated 01/10/2004; Seconded by Dotty Dolan,  Passed 7-0.

6:00    Town of Wellfleet Harbor Master, NOI, Map 21, Parcel 114, Marina Expansion (Continued from 1/21/04).  Emily Beebe read letters received from CZM, FEW, and MEPA.                                Bourne  Consulting Engineering also supplied revised plans dated 01/29/04 which were distributed to Commissioners.  The Commission also received a copy of the Fuel                             Spill Protocol.  Brent  Valli, a concerned shellfisherman, asked to come to the table and expressed concern about
        the septic and fuel area in regards to shellfishing.  Michael Flanagan, Harbor Master, stated the fuel dock arrangement is safer than what is currently in use.  The proposed                   improvements to the boat pumpout system would include a tight tank which will be hard piped to tanks.  It       will have an air tight connection which hooks up to the boats and                       minimize the possibility of spillage.  Emily Beebe is awaiting a response from DMF with information on habitat.  Due to the outstanding shellfish concerns, Dottie Dolan Moved                 to continue to March 17, 2004;  Seconded by John DiBlasio, Passed:  7-0.  

Dottie Dolan Moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:30 pm; Seconded by Cyndi Moe, Passed 7-0.

Respectfully submitted,
Christine A. Bates                                           Edward Reynolds, Co-Chair            Date
Committee Secretary